
important early media - 2022-2023

"Cityscape #1"
freehand cityscape, pen, 22

"Let Thy God Be One...
freehand portrait, pencil and pen, 22

"Plato's Abstraction"
freehand portrait, pencil and charcoal, 22

ttf typeface, scans direct to adobe illustrator, 23

in-between works - 2024

"Cityscape #2"
freehand cityscape, pens, 24

"America's Hollow"
freehand, markers, 24

the main wave - july 2024 - current

"5-HT Neurons Firing on acc. of 5-MeO-DMT potency"
freehand self-portrait, multi-media, 24

"Mescaline Environments of Favelas in Gomorrah"
freehand landscape, multi-media, 24

"Favelas in False Lands"
freehand landscape, multi-media, 24

freehand improv, multi-media, 24

freehand landscape, multi-media, 24

"Fun with a Friend"
freehand landscape, acrylic / mod podge / water-based, 24

"Cogs Turning"
freehand portrait, multi-media, 24

freehand landscape, multi-media, 24

freehand landscape, ink fine tip, 24

freehand sketch, watercolour pencils, 24

this page is virtually always going to be a work in progress but what you see now is usually the full extent of my work. updated august 13th, 2024